After-sales service and support are key reasons why many customers choose Hycontrol. Our team of UK service engineers can respond quickly to urgent service requests, and our dedicated internal technical support engineers are always on hand to offer free telephone advice.
Structured preventative maintenance will result in minimum disruption and maximum safety for your site and personnel. Hycontrol knows the chaos and expense caused by equipment breakdowns and malfunctions - not to mention the resulting Health & Safety implications.
In most cases, such failures don’t happen out of the blue but result from problems accruing over time. Sites can only counteract this danger through a regular, scheduled preventative maintenance programme carried out by competent, professional engineers. Hycontrol’s engineering teams can spot problems before they arise, ensuring the best performance and extended equipment life.
Hycontrol’s scheduled support service means you no longer have to concern yourself with arranging maintenance of your system. Our team keep detailed records and will contact you when your service is due, making sure to give you plenty of notice to ensure servicing of your equipment with the minimum of disruption to your site.
We will also remind you to arrange any plant hire, cherry pickers etc. that may be required for when our team arrives so there are no delays or issues before they start. Hycontrol will retain detailed information and drawings of your equipment. Having this information on file means if one of our engineers visits your site or you’re telephoning our office-based technical support, we’ll have the information we need to hand.
Our engineers have all received extensive training, with qualifications including MPQC, SPA quarry passport, IPAF, MEWP, harness licences and ATEX awareness certification, as well as BTEC HNC in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and C&G 2365, 2330 and 2360.
Installation, Technical Services and Support - Brochure
Hycontrol - Full Company Brochure
Annual Service Contracts - Datasheet