The ME40 remote electronics capacitance switch is a practical solution for more demanding applications, for example, those with high levels of vibration that may otherwise upset or damage the sensitive components in the probe head. These issues may be overcome by remote-mounting the vulnerable parts.
Hycontrol’s ME Series capacitance level switches provide simple, accurate and reliable level control for many applications. They are suitable for use on liquids, solids, slurries, pastes, granules, powders and pellets in high temperature, high pressure and corrosive environments.
Unlike some other capacitive switches, this unit works independently of the tank walls using an integral grounding sleeve without needing a reference probe, which enables its use in concrete, plastic or other non-metallic tanks. This technology also provides an ideal solution for interface detection applications such as oil on water and liquid detection underneath a foam layer.
A simple sensitivity adjustment (dip switch or potentiometer) may be required when sticky conductive materials are to be detected. Usually, you can mount it, wire it, and forget it!